Twi Cares!
Hey Twihearts!
We at Twi are very aware of how uncertain the times are right now. What we are sure of is while these times are unprecedented, they are not insurmountable. We encourage you to adhere to and implement the Center for Disease Control’s and government’s tips of practicing social distancing, staying home, and washing your hands. But, we also encourage you to take this time to reflect on life, love and purpose.
The world may never be this still ever again. Things have slowed down significantly. We are spending more time with family, at home, checking on people we love, or simply enjoying nature. While the government has a long list of things that we can and can not do, ironically, some of us feel more in control of our time.
Now is when we should be kind to and more patient with ourselves and our fellow man. COVID-19 has affected so many areas of our lives. Life is a little different now, but what has not changed is compassion. Here at Twi we believe we can all play a part in doing good. For every purchase made through our website, Twi will donate 10 percent of your purchase to a non-profit of your choice that is helping in the fight of COVID-19. It can be a community food pantry, first responders organization, church; it does not matter. We can donate to any 501c3 tax exempt non-profit that can receive online donations.
Thank you for always supporting Twi. We will get through this together and come out stronger and better than before.